Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Medical marijuana in Pennsylvania: Eventually...

HARRISBURG (AP) — Prosecutors and police are telling Pennsylvania legislators strict regulatory controls are critical in any medical marijuana law to ensure that it doesn't compound the problem of recreational marijuana use.
Spokesmen for three law-enforcement groups shared that message in testimony Wednesday before what was billed as a fact-finding hearing of the House Health and Judiciary committees.
Montgomery County District Attorney Risa Vetri Ferman, speaking for the Pennsylvania District Attorneys Association, says legislators must ensure that the right people are prescribing, distributing and receiving any medical form of marijuana.
James Walsh of the state lodge of the Fraternal Order of Police, says police agencies are concerned that Pennsylvania may endorse the use of marijuana as a pain relief while the federal government says it has "no current medical use."

Not surprising that the law enforcement agencies came out in favour of "strict controls." I'm looking for confirmation but it doesn't appear there was anyone on the other side of the issue before the Judiciary Committee. Medical Marijuana is nearly a foregone conclusion. The only questions is will PA have a disastrous system similar to our ridiculous state liquor store system or will the Commonwealth embrace freedom and individual choice.

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